Learning disabilities such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, poor phonological awareness, and developmental coordiantion disorder can impact academic perfomance and success at school. While some children are able to qualify for services in their school districts for therapy services- many families find that their child will benefit from additional services in an outpatient clinic. Our trained therapists understand underlying processing deficits with these learning disabilities. Our speech, occupational, and physical therapists will use a variety of interventions to help your child meet their individual goals so that they can succeed across all settings in their lives.
Is a learning disorder characterized by difficulties in word recognition, spelling and decoding. Individuals with dyslexia may benefit from both occupational and speech therapy. Speech therapists provide intervention through phonological awareness whereas occupational therapists address written expression in handwriting, visual perception, and environmental adaptions. Our academic skills program target different skills and underlying processing issues caused by dyslexia.
Dysgraphia is a disorder of written expression. Individuals with Dysgraphia may have difficulty with writing regardless of their ability to read. Occupational Therapists address this learning disability with sensory and visual motor strategies. OTs may also provide classroom adaptions and compensatory techniques.
Learning disabilities associated with reading deficits are often rooted in phonological delays, deficits in word recognition or difficulties with receptive language. Our Speech Pathologists target reading comprehension difficulties through the use of compensatory strategies. Occupational Therapy may address reading as it relates to attention deficits and/or executive functioning.
ADHD is not a learning disability but it does affect an individual’s ability to learn. ADHD impacts executive functions within the brain such as sustained attention, working memory, task initiation, and frustration tolerance. Occupational Therapists use cognitive training, address organizational skills, and strengthen gross motor and fine-motor skills to improve independence in everyday occupations.