Trick or Treat! Halloween Tips and Tricks from a Speech Therapist on Access and Communication
Article by: Kaylee Jones McDowell, SLP-Assistant
Everyone has a right to communicate NO MATTER how they communicate: mouth words, signs, gestures, iPad, pictures, or written communication. Trick or treat should never be a compliance-based activity, and we always honor and accept all forms of communication. Happy Halloween!
Label and TAGS
- Place visuals on a bag or bucket using
- Packing tape
- Fabric transfer
- Zip tie
- Includes
- Stop
- Go
- More
- Knock knock
- Trick or treat
- Candy
- Thank you

Eye Gaze
- Laminate a sheet or use plexiglass for low-tech gaze while trick or treating
Model It
- Wear your words and model on the go!
- Place visuals on a
- Shirt
- Costume
- Blanket
Switch Access (ask the child which message they want)
· Trick or treat
· Happy Halloween
· Thank you
· Knock Knock

Try our Free Online Screening Tool
If you are not in therapy and you are wondering if your child may be falling behind in the areas of speech and/or language, please try our online screening tool. You will be given a survey of age-appropriate milestones for speech, language, gross motor skills, fine motor skills and sensory processing for children ages 1-6.
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